Knowing someone famous is pretty cool.
Knowing someone that is on the road to becoming famous is even better.
When they become successful, you feel a part of it.
Max Mikulecky is a student photographer, but it'd be hard to tell if you didn't know him personally.
I mean, really, if you Google his name you get a million hits... which could be normal for Google, except he is on EVERY page! I got to page 9 before I got tired of searching. He has an incredible gift, and while most people would waste it, he puts it to nothing but good use. He is so determined and passionate about what he does that it inspires me to go do something to get my name out.
Here is some of his work that I especially love:

I'm pretty sure this picture
was only on facebook about 5 minutes
before I commented and said this:
Jamie Housh yep, obsessed.
max mikulecky, do my wedding pictures?
max mikulecky, do my wedding pictures?
February 7 at 12:57pm
I cannot stress enough how talented he is.
Go see for yourself!
Please go to his website/be his fan on Facebook!
You won't be let down, I promise.
Max, I can't wait to see what you whip out next.
I love what you do, man... keep on keepin' on.
- J
all photos copyright max mikulecky
I completely agree, Max is amazing at photography!