Tuesday, December 7, 2010

the world.

It is crucial to have a world view.

The Design of Life

My Current World View

Jamie Housh

December 7, 2010

I’m a designer- a graphic designer. Not only do I design solutions for projects, I also design my life. Design is about improving life- both others’ and mine. I essentially design my life to accommodate all aspects, whether it is my schoolwork, job, family, friends, or free time. I believe in learning how to learn to solve my own problems. I do not ask for help unless it is completely necessary- I feel the majority of people going through college with a 4.0 ask for help too much, are afraid of failure, and are not allowing for enough creativity in their lives.

I love organizing and creativity.

I feel organization is crucial to a designer’s life.

Without the ability to organize, a designer cannot function.

I use organization to manage my time, create schedules/lists, and get

work done.

I don’t believe in standardized tests-

or tests in general.

I believe in subjective grading, but not subjective to other students, subjective to creativity and growth as a student.

I believe in situational learning-

mistakes are the greatest form of learning.

I do not believe in a higher power.

I do not understand, nor try to understand, the people that do.

I believe all will be forgiven.

I am a firm believer that every design can be improved-

therefore, I start over on every project I do.

I see it in my mind, and work on it until it looks right.

I do not believe in fast food.

I believe that without me, the world would be boring.

I believe that the world would be a better place if everyone walked at my speed.

Excuse me, people, but I have places to be and projects to design.

I’m Jamie Housh, and I believe in design.

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