Sunday, February 13, 2011

journal entry 2 & audience personas.

Dieter Rams:

INNOVATIVE - These ideas are not exhausted; technology advancements help to offer new opportunities.
MAKES A PRODUCT USEFUL - It emphasizes the usefulness of a product (a bookcover)
AESTHETIC - It's integral to its usefulness.
MAKES A PRODUCT UNDERSTANDABLE - The design can make the product talk.
HONEST - It doesn't make promises it can't keep for the consumer.
LONG-LASTING - It avoids being "fashionable" or trendy.
THOROUGH, DOWN TO THE LAST DETAIL - Care and accuracy in the design are important.
GREEN - Environmentally friendly

Don Norman's the man. I had to read his book "The Design of Everyday Things" for Human Factors last semester. Some ideas of his that I remember are visibility, mapping, affordances, and feedback. He comes from a psychological background and the psychological aspect of design is clear in his studies. Norman reminds me of Richard. They'd prob be besties. Actually, I think Richard already thinks they are.
"Pleasant things work better, and that never made any sense to me." - Don Norman
Behavioral design is all about being in control.
Dear Don, how do your principles apply to a user of the internet on a website? As designers, we are used to solving problems (even through life) but what about regular people just trying to find the contact section on the website of a company? Would their actions be subconscious?

The audience of Something Borrowed:

Jenny is a 24 year old from Denver and is studying to be an athletic trainer at the University of Kansas. She works as a bartender and was recently fired from her weekend bartending job. She loves Chicago and hanging out with her girlfriends and also her boyfriend of several years. Jenny would bend over backwards for any of her friends and loves to have a good time. She loves to sleep-in and stay in her bed all day, avoiding her obnoxious roommates by either reading or watching a movie such as The Notebook. Her low-rent college duplex stays filled with sorority girls that are 5th year seniors.

Alice is a 21 year old from a suburb of Philly, currently living in Lawrence, Kansas and a student at KU studying speech pathology. She enjoys spending money and eating and Love and Basketball. She frequents Urban Outfitters and Kieu's and loves her family and best friends more than anything. Alice drives an older model Toyota 4Runner and is a social butterfly. She loves having house parties and serving jello shots because she thinks it helps her make more friends. She is a waitress and loves to have a good time. When asked to describe her life, she would say, "my whole life is a weekend." She drinks Franzia (classy boxed-wine) every weekend from expensive William Sonoma wine glasses. If it weren't for her college student budget, her 4 bedroom house off campus would look as if it were straight from a Home and Garden magazine.

Shannon is a 28 year old with an aggressive attitude. Shannon enjoys bowling and playing with her puppy. She used to be a manager of a local tanning salon, and specialized in marketing the salon. She loves going out more than anything and until recently was single and ready to mingle. Shannon loves to shop and bend the rules to fit her needs, yet is very structured and professional. She now works as a bartender. Her weekends are filled with work, and once she gets home she relaxes and watches tv in her one bedroom poorly decorated duplex and lays with her puppy named Brady (after Tom Brady).

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